Retired Judge weighs in on alleged plot to murder Family Court Judge Stacey Romeo

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GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — Frightening accusations of a plot to kill a Monroe County judge brought concern, and sympathy, from a veteran of the bench were detailed in court Tuesday.

Retired state Supreme Court Judge Joseph Valentino told News10NBC, charges for an alleged murder conspiracy are extraordinary, but not unheard of.

“It’s a very difficult court to preside in,” he sighed.

Valentino said Judges like Family Court Judge Stacey Romeo often deal with intense emotions in family court.

“What they’re seeing then is people caught in turmoil and crisis,” he said. “They’re seeing only sadness and anger.”

But prosecutors say it got worse for Judge Romeo when Dimitri Cash and Joenathan Cash drew up a plot to kill her.

The two men had been charged with kidnapping for allegedly abducting Dimitri’s two children from a Greece foster home. The kids were found safe in Alabama.

But on Tuesday, the men were indicted and arraigned, on conspiracy to murder charges.

According to their indictment, they spied on Judge Romeo at the courthouse and her home and bought kerosene as part of their plot.

Judge Valentino said threats like that are rare but they happen, as when he was working in drug court in San Francisco and a judge was targeted.

“The call said they had allegations that someone was going to kill the drug court judge while I was presiding there,” Valentino recalled.

Valentino said fear for your own safety shouldn’t be a consideration for any judge and he’s hoping Judge Romeo can get back on the bench without it.

“Now that this has been alleged, and exposed, that may be good,” he said. “Because that may discourage or dispel anybody from coming forward and doing anything like that to harm this judge.”

Dimitri and Joenathan Cash are due back in court on Jan. 6, 2022.