Robots may soon be in Rochester restaurants amid worker shortage

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — How would you feel about getting service from robots instead of humans? Richtech Robotics is already starting trials at some businesses right here in Rochester.

These robots are designed to wait on your hand and foot. They can move in any direction, and have motion sensors that stop it so it doesn’t crash into anything or you!

Price-wise, they range from $20,000 to $30,000.

These robots can also be used in hotels, hospitals, and even adult care facilities. Part of the thinking behind the decision to bring robots to Rochester was to help with the staffing shortages.

"These robots can work with wait staff and other people all throughout the operation. It’s not going to take jobs away, it’s going to help people be more efficient and help restaurants be more profitable,” said Restaurant Conextions President Eugene Trotta. “It can make people stay in positions longer"

Restaurant Conextions said The Distillery here in Rochester has already started trials with a few robots.