Rochester City Council pushing for disciplinary action against officers for death of Daniel Prude

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Rochester City Council is pushing for the seven officers involved in the death of Daniel Prude to be disciplined, and possibly even fired.

A resolution was submitted Thursday that would request the City of Rochester administration and Police Chief immediately move forward with disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The City Council says it’s pushing for this after it was announced that none of the officers involved would face criminal charges.

Councilman Jose Peo released the following statement on his decision not to join the push:

"Tonight I rejected to join the rest of City Council in a resolution urging the Administration to immediately terminate the police officers involved in the Daniel Prude matter."

Prude was not breathing and had no pulse after he was restrained and handcuffed by officers in March of 2020. He died seven days later in the hospital after being taken off life support. The Medical Examiner ruled his death a homicide and says Prude died from complications of asphyxia due to physical restraint, excited delirium and PCP.