RTA president calls meeting on violence a disappointment

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The president of the Rochester Teachers’ Association (RTA) said they’re disappointed with a scheduled meeting Tuesday to address concerns over violence in school.

Teachers at Franklin High School were led to believe that they would meet directly with Superintendent Lesli Myers-Small or members of the Rochester School Board at the meeting.

RTA President Adam Urbanski said teachers at the high school actually met with an outside group called "Roc Restorative Peace Circle." He called it a huge disappointment.

For the past few weeks, violent outbreaks have been a major problem for schools in the Rochester City School District.

Last Friday, the union said that five Franklin High School teachers were injured, including one that suffered a serious wrist injury while breaking up a fight.

Urbanski said both the union and teachers have asked the district for some solutions including smaller class sizes, additional school psychologists, social workers and additional school security officers.

Urbanski said he feels the district’s message to teachers is "you’re on your own." Although he wasn’t invited to the gathering with Roc Restorative Peace Circle, he shared with News10NBC what happened.

"Teachers cried,” Urbanski said. “They expressed the trauma that they feel, that they are afraid to go to work. That their spouses are afraid for them, and the Peace Circle people said ‘I validate your feelings.’"

News10NBC has reached out to the district but has not yet heard back.

There is a School Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday where it is expected there will be a discussion about the violence on school campuses.