Senator Schumer spoke in Wayne County about flood control funding act

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SODUS POINT, N.Y. (WHEC) — Senator Chuck Schumer was in Sodus Point on Tuesday to speak about how a new bill called the Storm Act can provide $500 million to Wayne County for flood control projects.

Communities in Wayne County suffered damaging flooding from 2017 to 2019 and many are still recovering. Schumer said he hopes the Storm Act will help residents and businesses along Lake Ontario to rebuild from the flood and take action to prevent future disasters.

"Wayne County is gonna need plenty of federal help to finish the many flood control projects keep our families, our homes, our businessess safe," Schumer said.

READ MORE: Lake Ontario is 7 inches higher than it was this time 2019

Schumer said this is the first year the community is getting more money in aid than what was sent to Washington DC. He said they are getting a dollar 59 back for every dollar sent in taxes.

60% of homes in Sodus Point are in a zone that’s vulnerable to flooding. Schumer said the funding is critical to prepare for future floods, as storms are becoming more intense worldwide.

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