State Sen. Brouk holds ‘Student Speak Out’

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A local New York State Senator held a “Student Speak Out” event Monday night.

The Zoom event held by Sen. Samra Brouk (D, 55) was intended to be a safe place for younger people to talk about the issues affecting their mental health and wellness and speak with mental health professionals. About 140 young people, mental health professionals, educators, and parents were there, according to Brouk’s Office.

News10NBC was able to listen in for the opening remarks, but then the event broke up into 10 private breakout rooms where things like stressors for young people, the stigma surrounding mental health, the effects of social media, and challenges that are unique for students who speak English as a second language were discussed.

Facilitators were also there to learn what communities can do better.

"If we don’t take care of your socioemotional health, if we don’t help you deal with a lot of the trauma that a lot of us faced and anxiety and depression that many of us face over the past two years, we’ll never get back to where we were," Brouk said.

Brouk said she took her position as chair of the Senate Committee on Mental Health because she heard from the community that this had to be a priority.

She is encouraging anyone who missed the event but who would like to share their experiences regarding mental health and its effects on young people to email her at