SUNY schools receive funding to increase enrollment and completion rates

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Governor Hochul announced $133 million in state funding to improve SUNY schools on Thursday.

$113 million in direct funding has been allocated from New York State. The investment will support campus programs designed to increase services to SUNY students, bolster enrollment at SUNY institutions, and support college completion rates.

"As SUNY rises to the Governor’s challenge to innovate higher education to reach all learners and support their success, we are thankful for the direct funding to help our campuses exceed in this noble work," said SUNY Interim Chancellor Deborah F. Stanley. "Having a college education matters, even more so today as industries evolve, and earning a degree or credential from SUNY’s highly-ranked colleges and universities sets students on a course for greater achievements. Our student’s success drives us to do more, and on behalf of our campus leaders and the excellent faculty and staff that support and inspire our students, we are excited for this opportunity."

Included in the $113 million is $60 million to be distributed across SUNY’s campuses for investing in enrollment, academic programs, student services, and operational efficiencies. Campuses receiving funding must report to SUNY System Administration how the funds will address enrollment issues, address academic program offerings, build on existing operational efficiencies while seeking new opportunities, and provide essential student services. In addition, funds would be utilized to support initiatives such as micro-credentialing and other programming for all learners.

The additional $53 million will be used to hire new full-time faculty. Following an analysis that primarily relied on a comparison of SUNY campuses versus other public institutions, over 30 SUNY campuses were selected to receive this funding that will be used to support the salary and benefit costs.

The SUNY Board of Trustees also approved an automatic application fee waiver for any high school student choosing to apply to a SUNY campus from one of the 500 New York State public high schools that have more than 75 percent of their student population eligible for free and reduced-price lunch on a three-year rolling basis. SUNY will begin promoting the fee waiver to ensure eligible students are aware of the program. The Board also voted to keep all state-operated campus tuition rates and board-based fees flat at 2021-2022 levels.

To learn more about SUNY, click here.