Vaccine efficiency decline linked to delta variant and lax COVID-19 protocols, study finds

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Once the delta variant showed up, vaccine efficiency took a hit.

Doctors from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) say as more vaccines got the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stamp of approval, COVID-19 protection protocols took a back seat. New research from the NYSDOH shows masks might be around longer than we think. More and more people were getting the vaccine around the time delta came knocking, but before the vaccines, you couldn’t go anywhere without a mask or you were in lockdown.

"It may have something to do with the delta variant itself, we know it’s easier to transmit,” said NYSDOH Deputy Director for Science Eli Rosenberg.

Time periods play a big part in how the virus develops. Scientists say the decline of vaccine efficiency might have something to do with protection behaviors like constant masking.

"Remember, people were wearing masks less in the summer, and so forth so during this time period we saw an across the board change,” Rosenberg said.

Protection protocols now are not as strict as they were a year ago. Masking is now an "option" almost anywhere you go.

"That’s really important because that tells us it’s probably less about waning protection over time and more about these other issues,” Rosenberg added.

The delta variant was a wrench in the plan to stop COVID-19 indefinitely. While there’s talk of more boosters for the other vaccines, this study, proved that overall, the vaccines protect against the regular COVID-19 strain.

"The fact is they’re all FDA approved, they’re all safe and highly effective at preventing the worst outcomes of COVID-19,” Rosenberg said.

The FDA and the CDC are set to meet this week to consider boosters for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.