Vigil for Brittanee Drexel in South Carolina

MURRELL’S INLET S.C. (WMBF) — On April 25, 2009, Brittanee Drexel vanished while on spring break in Myrtle Beach.

The FBI said in 2016 she fell victim to human trafficking.

Now, ten years and two days later, family and friends remain hopeful justice and answers will still be found, not only in Brittanee’s case — but in many others.

People gathered at the Beaver Bar in Murrell’s Inlet Saturday— to remember a girl whose last known steps were taken in front of the Blue Water Resort on Ocean Boulevard ten years ago.

"We can’t forget what that beautiful young girl whose picture is behind me, we can’t forget what she went through," said Alan Wilson, South Carolina Attorney General.

‘Brittanee’s Little Angels’ is a foundation that started two years ago and is dedicated to providing long term advocacy services and support to families of the missing and human trafficking victims.

"Human trafficking is happening throughout South Carolina, throughout the Southeast, and throughout the nation," said Kathryn Moorehead, Coordinator of the South Carolina Human Trafficking task force. "I know for a fact because I am often called in when cases are identified, that we have had quite a number of children who have been identified recently."

The South Carolina Human Trafficking task force says the top five counties for Human Trafficking in South Carolina are Horry, Charleston, Beaufort, Richmond, and Greenville.

"We are situated between two of the top twenty human trafficking hubs in the country and that’s Atlanta and Charlotte," said Wilson

Even though it’s been 10 years since Drexel was last seen… those at today’s fundraiser still have hope she will one day be found.

"There’s always hope," said Moorehead. "I think as you gather more information and as they continue to investigate the case, there’s always hope."

And Drexel’s mother, Dawn Pleckan, is doing everything she can to help survivors and victim’s of human trafficking.

"I want to get a safe house built so they’re able to rehabilitate and get the help they need and live a better life than what’s happened to them"