Wayne County couple celebrating baby’s first Christmas after pregnancy complications, NICU stay

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Baby’s first Christmas is always a special time for parents, but when your little one’s arrival came weeks early after a risky problem-plagued pregnancy, this holiday is truly one to remember.

That’s the case for one Newark, Wayne County couple celebrating their little Christmas miracle.

To say Abigail Balschmiter’s pregnancy was tough would be a bit of an understatement.

"I was a sick pregnant person and had hyperemesis, which meant that I throw up way more than the average pregnant person," Balschmiter said.

That same condition famously plagued Princess Kate. It causes vomiting so severe it can be life-threatening.

"Then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to manage that,” Balschmiter said. “Then I got diagnosed with preeclampsia."

Any one of these three serious medical conditions could have killed mother and baby. Abigail’s medical team had to be vigilant. Then one morning in April, her blood work revealed she was in trouble.

"The ambulance — I have never seen come so fast,” Balschmiter said. “They were there in like twenty minutes."

For days, doctors at Rochester General Hospital tried to stave off the delivery of Abigail’s premature little one, but on April 26, five weeks early, Abram made his very dramatic entrance into the world, and shockingly, he already weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces.

"Everyone’s first impression of Abram was we think his dates are wrong because he was very large for his age," said Claire Gardner, a NICU RN at Rochester General.

While he looked like a full-term baby, his organs revealed he clearly was not. Baby Abram would need weeks of intensive medical intervention.

"Seeing him for the first time and seeing him in the NICU was very scary," father Breiten Balschmiter said.

This little guy would prove to be a fighter. Baby Abram grew healthy and strong, a beaming, bald, bundle of snuggly cuteness. His daddy’s pride. His mother’s joy.

"Breiten and I are super Christmas people and we actually got married on the 22nd three years ago so Christmas is like our thing so to have him to do our favorite holiday with is just amazing," Balschmiter said.

Rochester General provided the interview and pictures for this story.

All of us here at News10NBC wish the Balschmiter family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.