Consumer Alert: How to protect your electronic devices in extreme heat

Lots of folks like the hot weather we’re having, but your phone does not.  If your phone gets too hot for too long, you can damage it permanently. That’s the topic of this Consumer Alert.

For most folks, their phones go where they go. And we can take the phone to the beach or the park, but we need to take steps to protect that thousand-dollar computer in your pocket.

The optimal temperature for your phone is between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If it gets above 113 degrees, that could spell big trouble. I chatted with AT&T executive and tech expert Keron Incarnato for some advice.

Keron Incarnato: “Don’t leave your device in a hot car. Turn down your screen brightness; sometimes a brighter screen makes it a little bit warmer in the device. Make sure your device is up to date. You want to make sure your device is running as efficiently as possible because if it’s efficient it’s not using as much battery. It’s not heating up as much … If you’re at the beach, if you’re outside, protect your device under a towel. Maybe put it in a bag in a cooler spot. Make sure if you charge it you either bring it inside or you wait until the evening.”

Deanna Dewberry: “Does closing out your apps help?”

Incarnato::”Making sure you’re clearing all your apps on a consistent basis, it helps that phone not work as hard. Those component parts aren’t heating up as much. So when you add heat to that, that can create some issues.”

Dewberry: “Okay, so your phone has overheated, and you’re in panic mode, What do you do?”

Incarnato: “if your device is overheating, get it into a shaded area as quickly as possible. Taking it inside. You may want to take your case off. Cases can hold the heat, especially if it’s a darker-colored case.”

Both iPhones and Androids give you a warning when they’re too hot. Incarnato says to heed that warning and get that phone inside or to a shady spot. Absolutely do not put your phone in the fridge. That causes condensation, and condensation is not your phone’s friend. 

Lastly. think twice about wearing your smart watch while doing any strenuous activity on a hot day. I know you want to close those exercise rings, but don’t do it when it’s a hundred degrees outside.