Good Question: Have you ever walked into your usual grocery store and realized things have been moved around?

PENFIELD, N.Y. – Have you ever walked into your usual grocery store and realized things have been moved around? It’s happening to some Wegmans shoppers in Penfield and some people are curious to know the reason for the changes.

Kris wrote: “Wegmans has been remodeling for a while with ‘Pardon Our Dust’ signs here and there. I have never had so many people suddenly blurt out questions to me before while I was shopping. Complete strangers, abruptly asking me out of frustration, where are the french fries? Have you seen where they put the light bulbs? If you could find out the strategy for moving everything, maybe it would even help the fellow shoppers to accept the changes.”

A spokesperson said Wegmans is moving stuff around in an effort to bring all items within a specific category together in one location.

In an email, a spokesperson said, “Because a reset of this size already requires significant changes, it’s also an opportunity for us to look at the whole store, and realign all our categories to ensure we’re offering a great shopping experience for our customers.”

At the Penfield store, Wegmans is moving products that go together closer together, like flowers, cards, and gifts, for example

Wegmans said: “We understand this is a big change for our customers that may cause frustration as they learn the new layout of the store. However, we are confident that in the long run, it will offer a better shopping experience.”

Wegmans said that it has in-store “helping hands” employees if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

The store also has a printed map available which you can pick up at the service desk. and if you try the Wegmans app, it lists aisle numbers for items.

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