As NY colleges and universities face ‘enrollment cliff,’ Golisano Institute starts next quarter

Golisano Institute starts new quarter, as colleges and universities face ‘enrollment cliff’

Golisano Institute starts new quarter, as colleges and universities face 'enrollment cliff'

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Most college students are home for the summer now. But there is a new school that just started its latest semester Wednesday. They’re in class year round and when the school watched News10NBC’s story on the enrollment cliff at tradition colleges and universities, they invited us on campus.
The Golisano Institute is in a former Paychex call center on Westfall Road in Brighton.
It opened in September and costs less than a year at some community colleges or any four-year SUNY school.

Berkeley Brean, News10NBC: “How much does it cost to go?”
Ian Mortimer, President, Golisano Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship: “$8,900 per year. And that includes a brand new laptop, all new materials, high quality faculty, two faculty per classroom.”

Contributions from Paychex founder Tom Golisano help keep the cost low. With tuition fees, books, and transportation, SUNY says the annual community college cost in $10,170. SUNY four-year costs $12,780.

Those totals do not include room and board.

Jordan Kujawski started at Golisano in September. Angela Giorgione started in February. She came after one semester at a four-year college.

“To kind of put it in perspective,” she said. “We paid more for the one semester at the four-year college than I am for the whole two years here.”

The school contacted Berkeley Brean after his story with state comptroller Tom DiNapoli and his report on the enrollment cliff at tradition colleges and universities.

“I’d like you to finish this sentence,” Berkeley said to DiNapoli last week. “Colleges and universities in New York State are…”
“Challenged,” he said.
The report says, because of a combination of factors including fewer college-age students, high tuition and student loan debt, in the fall of 2022 there were 896,000 students in colleges and universities in New York, the lowest in 15 years and a drop of 73,000 since 2011.

The enrollment at Golisano is 56.

Berkeley Brean: “Do you believe you are an alternative to traditional post-secondary schools?”
Ian Mortimer: “Yes. 100%.”
Berkeley Brean: “Who do you have to convince that of? Student? Parents?”
Ian Mortimer: “Everybody. The majority of students, the four-year track might be perfect for them. But the four-year track is not perfect for everyone. And so we want speak to and help and support those that are seeking a different way of building a life.”

The school projects 150 new students by next February. The enrollment goal is 450 by the end of year three.

Mortimer says a third of the students are straight out of high school, a third have a college degree and a third have some college but no degree. Mortimer says there are 1.9 million people with “some college, no degree” in New York.

Upon graduation, Golisano students get a certificate of business and entrepreneurship licensed by New York State.

Golisano Institute also has a partnership with Alfred State. Alfred’s website says Golisano Institute “is partnering with Alfred State College of Technology to offer its two-year certificate program graduates the option to pursue a bachelor’s degree.

The partnership provides Golisano graduates the opportunity to transfer up to 60 credits earned at Golisano Institute toward the Bachelor of Technology in interdisciplinary studies program at Alfred State.”