Good Question: Where can old tires be recycled in Monroe County?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Where can tires be recycled? If you have any old tires lying around, here’s how you can get rid of them.
This is the time of year when people are going through their belongings and getting rid of stuff they’re not using anymore. Every year, Americans get rid of nearly 300 million tires, according to the recycling website
A viewer named Mike wrote to us saying: “We have a good accumulation of vehicle tires which we can’t dispose of in the dumpster we have at our shop. Is there somewhere we can take the tires to be recycled?”
To answer Mike’s question, my first move was to check the website for the Monroe County Ecopark to see if it accepts old tires. There’s a section specifically for automotive waste.
The Ecopark will accept tires, for a fee. The fees range from $5 to $40 per tire based on size and whether it’s on or off the rim and there’s a limit of four tires per visit.
There’s another option. People who live in the City of Rochester can place tires at the curb for regular refuse pick-up, according to the county’s site. If you live outside Monroe County and you’re going to get your old tires replaced, tire retailers are required to accept and get rid of your old tires.
If you have old tire rims that you’re trying to get rid of, you can take them to either the Ecopark or a local scrap yard. You can learn more about disposing of automotive waste here and bare tire rims here.
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