‘It’s a pleasure to perform here and help other kids like me’: Brain tumor survivor lives his dream at Fairport Music Festival

Brain tumor survivor performs at Fairport Music Festival

FAIRPORT, N.Y. — The Fairport Music Festival is a great time for a great cause. For 20 years, the festival has raised money for Golisano Children’s Hospital. This year, one of the hospital’s ‘miracle kids’ took the stage to give back and help kids with cancer, like him.

Jack Harrison is a seventh grader, a musician, and a brain tumor survivor. He received 63 weeks of treatment at Golisano Children’s Hospital for an inoperable brain tumor located in his brain stem. Singing helped him get through that treatment.

“My mom told me about Rockstar Academy and fell in love with it. So, eventually I started taking lessons,” Harrison said.

Saturday was his first time performing at the Fairport Music Festival as a singer in the rock band Unknown. He admits he was a bit nervous at first.

“I was worried, just the desire to do good and not fail,” Harrison said.

But the jitters didn’t last long.

“Feels great and a huge honor,” he shares.

Harrison says the festival is a great way to give back and help kids with cancer, like him. He was excited to take the stage.

“It’s amazing. Music fest, I am grateful that there a huge fundraiser for Golisano, and it’s a pleasure to perform here and help other kids like me,” Harrison said.

Andy McDermott, co-founder of the Fairport Music Festival, says the spirit of the festival year after year represents the excellence of Golisano Children’s Hospital in the community. He got goosebumps watching Harrison perform on stage.

“It’s incredible to see Jack thrive after enduring an illness,” McDermott said.

Sara Harrison, Jack’s mom, says it’s a full circle moment being here and watching her son live his dream.

“For my child to have been a Miracle Kid four years ago and he was sick, to now him having a diagnosis to thrive, take the stage and own it, it is the pride of my life right now,” she said.

So, what’s next for Harrison? He says to keep performing and keep doing great things.

Through its history, the Fairport Music Festival has raised $2.6 million to help children and families receive care at Golisano Children’s Hospital.

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