Monroe County Legislature releases third version of redistricting map

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Members of the Monroe County Legislature have released a third version of the redistricting map they’d like to see approved by the end of the year.

This map has the support of the president of the legislature, Republicans, and at least one Democrat.

The map was negotiated with the Federal Voting Rights Act in mind and creates five majority-black districts.

But not everyone is on board with this map.

The Democratic minority leader says it’s “packing” the districts and could lead to less diversity in the legislature.

“We can elect five black people if we have these districts that is completely against what I’m trying to do here elect more representation because we know just as a general premise when wards are more diverse, they function better, said Yversha Roman, Monroe County Legislature Minority Leader.

The president of the legislature disagrees.

“We can correct the injustices of the past, we can empower justice today and I hope that we can all vote in support of this non-partisan map and show everyone that Monroe County legislature is here for them not us or our political parties,” said Sabrina Lamar, Monroe County Legislature President.

An official copy of this version of the map is being created now and the committee voted to put it forward to the full legislature for review once it’s complete.

Ultimately, the county executive will have to sign off on it if it’s approved.

He has not said officially whether he will do so.