Raccoon struck in tree on Hague Street comes down; You won’t believe what happened next

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A raccoon stuck in a tree on Hague Street for more than a week has finally come down but climbed up another tree.

News10NBC first reported on the raccoon on Friday. Neighbors claimed a man’s dogs were preventing the raccoon from coming down but the man said he did exactly what’s needed to help the raccoon to come down.

It all started when a neighbor, Fred, noticed the raccoon climb up the tree in his backyard. Ron Cole, who lives in the neighborhood, said dogs have been loose in the backyard, which is why he joined others outside Fred’s home demanding action.

According to Lollypop Farm, RG&E crews helped to raccoon to come down. After that, the raccoon ran down the street and went into another tree.