Teen accused in five recent burglaries, including at Comedy at the Carlson

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Rochester Police have arrested a 16-year-old boy in connection with five recent smash-and-grab burglaries, including at Comedy at the Carlson and Record Archive.

RPD said the teenager was taken into custody on Saturday. He was then taken to the Monroe County Children’s Detention Center. He is charged with burglary and criminal mischief in connection to these burglaries:

  • Comedy at the Carlson on Carlson Street on Jan. 31
  • The Record Archive on Rockwood Street on Jan. 31
  • Liberty Family Restaurant on Winton Road on Jan. 31
  • East Ave Liquor and Wine on East Avenue on Jan. 31
  • Universal Liquor on University Ave on Feb. 9

He will answer the charges in Monroe County Family Court. Police are asking anyone with additional information about the burglaries to call 911.

Video that News10NBC obtained showed thieves using an SUV to smash into Comedy at the Carlson, where they stole an ATM. The video also shows the vehicle backing up into the ATM to try to smash it open. RPD said the SUV was stolen.

RPD also said the same SUV deliberately crashed into the front doors of the Record Archive. Video shows thieves running inside, going to the cash register, and leaving less than a minute later. RPD said a car also drove through the front doors during the University Liquor robbery.

The recent smash-and-grabs have convinced some business owners to install bollards, concrete barriers that prevent cars from crashing into glass.