Save Rochester demands accountability for DA Doorley in virtual meeting

Save Rochester demands accountability for DA Doorley in virtual meeting

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The group Save Rochester held a virtual town hall meeting on Monday to demand accountability for Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley after video shows her arguing with a police officer.

Organizers say the video fact that Doorley didn’t get arrested is a prime example of “White privilege.”

“The harsh reality is that many Black men, pulled over for basic traffic infractions, have resulted in getting their lives taken,” said Mike Johnson, an organizer with Save Rochester.

The meeting comes after Save Rochester organized a protest outside of Doorley’s office and held an in-person town hall. Save Rochester also started a petition that has over 1,400 signature calling for Doorley to be dismissed from her position.

Body-worn camera footage that went viral shows Doorley arguing with the Webster Police officer in her garage on Monday, April 22. The officer tried to pull her over for speeding but, instead, Doorley drove home while calling the Webster Police chief.

In an interview with News10NBC, Doorley apologized for her actions, saying she has no good reason for why she didn’t pull over.