‘The more bike lanes the merrier’: Monroe County to add 4 new centerline miles of bike lanes on 3 county roads

County to install more bike lanes for better connectivity, safety

County to install more bike lanes for better connectivity, safety

MONROE COUNTY, N.Y. — Biking around town is about to get a whole lot easier. Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced that in his State of Infrastructure address Monday.

Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road, Long Pond Road in Gates and East Ridge Road in Irondequoit are the three county roads that will receive four new centerline miles of bike lanes in the new Monroe County active transportation plan.

For nearly a decade, John Smith’s main form of transportation has been his bike.

Antonina Tortorello: “Do you find yourself using bike lanes a lot?”

John Schmidt, bicyclist: “Yeah, predominantly … and just recently I started using the sidewalk more because there’s certain areas that don’t have bike lanes so it’s just safer to get off the road.”

Brighton Town Supervisor Bill Moehle tells News10NBC these additions will increase quality of life for many.

“People of Brighton want to be able to walk or ride their bikes safely. It’s heartening that the county has the kind of commitment to all of the infrastructure,” Moehle said.

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello says these additions are essential in creating an active network and Schmidt agrees.

“They definitely help out transportation they make the city feel more connected easier to get around,” Schmidt said. “The more bike lanes the merrier and the safer people are going to be.”

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