Good Question: How do I get an E-Z Pass?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — With cashless tolling on the New York State Thruway only weeks away, News10NBC is tackling as many of your questions as possible. Here’s one of the most fundamental questions: How do I get an E-ZPass?
You have to have one if you want a discount on tolls and don’t want to pay bills sent through the mail. You can get a tag in person for $25 at any of the E-ZPass On-the-Go locations in the area.
You can find the closest retailer by looking up your address with the Thruway Authority’s map. They include town offices, Tops, Wegmans, and certain gas stations.
RELATED: Good Question: Can a E-ZPass transponder be used for multiple cars?
You can also do it all from home. Go to the E-ZPass website (make sure it’s for New York), then click here to complete your application online, or download and print one to send in.

Make sure you have your:
- license plate number(s)
- credit card or checking account which you will use to fund the account
Review the discount plans to see if any would benefit you. Once ordered, you’ll get your tag in about a week.
The E-ZPass Basic Plan most drivers use starts at $25, but be sure to also check out the pay per truip option. Details for that plan from the company are below:
PAY PER TRIP is the newest E-ZPass toll payment plan. It links your E-ZPass account to your checking account and pays all your E-ZPass tolls once per day, direct from your bank account, on the days when tolls post to your E-ZPass account. A prepaid E-ZPass account balance is not required.
PAY PER TRIP customers are required to pay a $10 deposit for each E-ZPass Tag on their account. This deposit will be refunded when the account is closed and the Tag is returned in good condition as determined solely by E-ZPass. Tag deposits are waived if you provide an optional credit card payment backup. You are encouraged to provide a credit card to act as a backup payment source in the event your bank declines your toll payment for any reason. This will prevent your account from converting to a cash payment account.
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