2,100-plus NYS employees to get nearly $3M in back pay for overtime during pandemic

Nearly $3 million in back pay will be awarded to more than 2,100 New York state employees who worked overtime during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Starting this week, more than 1,700 Public Employees Federation members and more than 400 members of Civil Service Employees Association and other unions, plus unrepresented employees, will receive payment for work completed over regular work hours during the height of the pandemic. Payments — which will average around $1,375 — will come during the next pay cycle, on either Dec. 20 or Dec. 28, depending on whether employees are on Administration Payroll (Dec. 20) or Institution Payroll (Dec. 28).
That’s according to an agreement announced today by Governor Kathy Hochul, PEF President Wayne Spence, and CSEA President Mary Sullivan.