Air quality impacting students who walk

EAST ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Several school districts canceled outdoor activities on Tuesday. The air quality alert is also impacting students who walk home from school.

Students I spoke with told me the air stinks and the poor air quality had them walking home a little faster today.

And, there was a long line of cars in front of East Rochester schools with parents picking up their kids rather than letting them walk.

One eighth grader who walks to and from school every day, says the air seemed worse on Monday than on Tuesday. He had a hard time playing soccer. And, a parent I spoke with who was walking home with her son, who attends the elementary school says she hopes this horrible smell and haze of smoke clears up quickly!

“I had a soccer game last night and I smelled it all last night, it’s kind of hard to catch my breath a little bit too. I had to get a break every so often,” said eighth grader Nick Chiccino.

Parent Elizabeth Lewis said, “It’s a little overwhelming because we are not used to this, this is something you see out west mainly. I think tomorrow is supposed to be worse, so I feel bad for those who have asthma and breathing issues. I just hope it goes away.”

Monroe County Public Health Commissioner, Dr. Michael Mendoza has been in conversations with school district leaders throughout the day, and shared guidance with them on holding any outdoor activities with students safely.