Problems with cell phone service and rain didn’t dampen the spirits of fans at Oak Hill

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. – We all know how dependent we’ve become on these smartphone devices, and they can play an even bigger role at major events like this. From helping fans navigate around the course to accessing their tickets on the AXS tickets app. But service out here at Oak Hill has been hard to come by to say the least, but talking with fans on Saturday, that’s the least of their concerns.

“I heard from my buddy that was here yesterday that it’s a big issue. As soon as you get here, the cell service is down, so we’ll see. I know there’s some places you can pop in for Wi-Fi, but we’re here for golf, so we’ll deal with it,” said Tim Whiting, PGA attendee.

That’s just one example of the kind of attitudes I’ve run into out here on Saturday. Whether it’s been the poor cell phone service, the rain, parking, none of it matters just as long as people can get a chance to witness history here at Oak Hill.