Working outside despite air quality health advisory

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – The Canada wildfires have sparked some health concerns here locally, especially with people who typically work outdoors.

Experts say with the poor air quality working outdoors exposes you to possible health risks. One construction worker I spoke with has been doing top soil work here in the city all day. He says working in these conditions is tough, he has been coughing throughout the day, but is holding up. He has also been watching the air quality alerts on his cell phone.

There are a couple of other things that have been helping him get through the day.

“A lot of water, a whole lot of water. Just covering my face when I can, I don’t have a mask, it’s kind of hard to work with a mask on,” said Vince Conge. “I didn’t want to be out in it really and my girlfriend didn’t want me to be out in it either, but just trying to make a living.”

State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon says they are following the direction of the Department of Health and recommends if you have underlying heart conditions to stay indoors.

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