Avon nonprofit looking or help to bring home ‘the Fox,’ former firetruck

A nonprofit wants to bring a circa-1926 fire truck back to Avon for the fire department's 150-year anniversary. (Photo provided by Livingston County)
AVON, N.Y. — The Village of Avon is gearing up to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its fire department, and it’s asking for help to do that.
An Avon-based nonprofit is trying to bring home “The Fox.” It’s a nearly 100-year-old fire trick the department used to own. It was retired in 1959, and eventually sold to the Canadian Automotive Museum in Ontario.
The Avon, N.Y. Ahrens Fox Full Circle Preservation Society needs to raise $50,000 to bring the Fox home. It is raising money though a GoFundMe page here.