Wife of slain officer speaks at Back the Blue Ride that honors his memory
FAIRPORT, N.Y. – It’s been one month since the tragic passing of officer Tony Mazurkiewicz. He was shot and killed in an ambush attack while out protecting the community.
His wife, Lynne Mazurkiewicz spoke out for the first time publicly at a “Back the Blue” Ride on Sunday.
“My husband lived his dream of being a police officer, ever day he went to work and he loved his job,” Lynne said.
Lynne shared how thankful she was for all the support since losing the love of her life. She says her family grieves every day. She said she has to keep reminding herself, Tony didn’t pass away, he was murdered.
“Murdered. I don’t view it as “Passed away”, I view it exactly how it is, he was murdered.”

Gone but not forgotten. The memory of Officer Maz, will live in the Village of Fairport forever. Many gathered for a back the blue tribute ride in his honor.
“While I’m angry, heartbroken and sad, I know deep down he would be right back at work tomorrow if given the chance,” Lynne added.
The ride to honor the 29 year veteran started in Fairport, and traveled all through the east side of Monroe County. Local groups shared why they were there.
“Every stop every home, every encounter could be their last because they put their lives on the line they don’t know what to expect and behind every badge there’s a family and regardless of where you sit on the political aisle this is an opportunity for all of us to put that aside and recognize each-others humanity,” Shannon Joy, said, with Fairport Educational Alliance.
There was no registration fee, but participants were asked to make a donation to the New York Law Enforcement Assistance Program, known as NYLEAP. Funds raised go to members of law enforcement and their families to provide mental health services. Donate here.