East Avenue reopens after dump truck crashes into I-490 overpass

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — East Avenue in the city is back open after a dump truck crashed into the I-490 overpass, shutting down the area for hours as crews worked to remove the truck.

The truck driver, a 26-year-old man from Penfield, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, unlicensed operation, and operating out of class. News10NBC’s crew at the scene saw the back of the truck wedged underneath the overpass and the front cab suspended in the air, torn apart.

Just after 9:30 pm on Tuesday, Rochester Police went to East Avenue and East Highland Drive and found the truck jammed. The Rochester Fire Department helped to get the driver out. No one was injured.

The New York State Department of Transportation is sending someone to assess potential structural damage to the bridge. We spoke with a man working at a nearby Chipotle restaurant who heard the crash.

“At first, I thought it was the kitchen. Next thing you know, I see a fire truck first and then cop cars, like vertically,” Joshua Clemens said. “It was like a really loud bang.”