Fact Check: Is T-Mobile moving customers to newer, more expensive plans?

T-Mobile customers, keep an eye on your cell phone bills. There are reports the company is moving some of its customers to new plans, which reportedly will cost more.

Millions of people have T-Mobile as their cell phone provider. And according to several social media posts and news articles, some of those customers will see their plans change, leading to higher bills, unless they opt out.

Setting off the social media frenzy: an internal document, allegedly leaked to Reddit, which claims T-Mobile is automatically moving customers on older plans to newer, more expensive ones starting in November. Those reports say customers are being notified this week.

Here’s what you need to know. When T-Mobile merged with Sprint in April of 2020, part of the agreement required T-Mobile not to raise prices for three years. That time has now passed.

So are the posts and reports accurate? News10NBC reached out to T-Mobile directly. The company confirms it is running a test which automatically switches some customers to new plans.

In an email from their media relations department, T-Mobile says, “Though we haven’t kicked it off yet, this would be a small-scale test where we reach out to a small subset of customers who are on older rate plans to let them know they have the opportunity to move to newer, better plans with more features and more value.”

It goes on to say, “Eligible customers would hear from us when this starts — no customer accounts will be changed until then.”

T-Mobile did not say how much more the switch will cost those customers or how many will be affected. But as far as moving some customers to new plans — that is a FACT.

T-Mobile does say customers can choose to stay in their current or similar plan if they choose to. But, in order to opt out, you have to call their customer service line.