Fairport leaders hear from residents about proposed reconstruction of lift bridge

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FAIRPORT, N.Y. There’s a big divide in the Village of Fairport over the proposed reconstruction of Lift Bridge Lane East.

It would eliminate some street parking in favor of creating bicycle lanes. Village leaders heard from concerned citizens on both sides of the issue.

It would eliminate some street parking in favor of creating bicycle lanes. Monday night Village of Fairport leaders heard from concerned citizens on both sides of the issue.

The Village of Fairport’s plan is to make their community more of a walkable destination, making it easier to help boost their economy with increased foot traffic. Not everyone agrees.

“As a village resident I would request that further consideration of this project be delayed until supported with proper planning, and based on physical responsibility, and public need,” said one speaker addressing the Village Board.

More than three dozen Village of Fairport residents attended Monday night’s citizen forum to voice their opinions on a proposal to make Lift Bridge Lane East an even more active transportation corridor. The plan has met lots of opposition because of the planned elimination of several parking spots on that street.

“If they get rid of all the spots, where are we going to park when we have people, groceries moving in, moving out?” said resident Mike Dokus.

Tony Kiel, Owner of TK’s Pizzeria, says this plan will have a devastating impact on the restaurant he opened back in 1975.

“A lot of people who come into there place their order ahead, park in front, pick up their pizza and go, and if that’s going to be an inconvenience to them, they’re not going to do it,” said Kiel.

But it’s not as simple as eliminating those parking spots and adding seven more spots on Main and Parker Streets. Scott Winner, another concerned citizen, says the proposal will affect festivals held in the village.

“They’re also talking about putting in medians that would divide the street, and in the case of festivals, which draw 300,000 people cumulatively into the village, creating tripping hazards basically because that area, if you will, ground zero for our festivals,” said Winner.

Some village leaders do believe their proposal will help improve the neighborhood, and they have the full support of many.

“The Town of Perinton is proud of its trails, and yet it stops at Main Street, and so this plan goes a long way toward taking the recommendations from prior studies and really building a community that is safe for all pedestrians and bicyclists,” said Natasha Besch-Turner.

Another speaker at the meeting added, “I look forward to the plans that they have to make biking that much safer. So thank you.”

Village leaders took no questions Monday night and so far, have not scheduled another public forum or hearing. News10NBC will continue to follow this story.