Faster EV chargers now at multiple Monroe County sites

MONROE COUNTY, N.Y. — Some county-owned locations in Monroe County now have even faster electric vehicle chargers.

These Level 2 EV chargers are eight times faster then Level 1 chargers.

Right now, you can find them at the Monroe County Social Services Department, Monroe Community Hospital, City Place, Innovative Field, and Durand Eastman Park.

More charging stations are planned for both of Monroe Community College’s campuses and Webster Park.

“I think adding these charging stations will help this emerging technology, make people more comfortable driving electric. As I tell people all the time, once you drive an electric vehicle, you’ll never go back to gas,” Monroe County Legislator Howard Mafucci said.

The cost to use a charging station is $2.25 an hour. You can access the stations using an app.

According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, to support a predicted 33 million EVs on the road by 2030, the nation will need more than 28 million charging ports.

Since the majority of EV drivers prefer the convenience of overnight charging, private residential chargers will form the core of the national charging ecosystem.