First Alert Weather: Fair amount of sun this week with a few hints of fall air

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Overall, we’re setting ourselves up for a fairly quiet and pleasant first week of October. For the most part, our temperatures will still remain on the warmer side, in the 70s, but we’ll feel a few little hints of fall-like weather here and there.

The first will arrive on Wednesday with a cold front. Tuesday will see a good deal of sun and warm air, but a cold front early Wednesday morning will bring a few showers, followed by cooler air into the afternoon. This cooler punch won’t have much stay power, though, with temperatures climbing back into the 70s for the end of the work week, along with dry weather and a fair amount of sun.

Another moisture-starved cold front will work through on Saturday, bringing us another little dip in temperatures, along with the slight chance of a passing shower. But again, this won’t have much staying power. Our next shot of cooler air will arrive early next week, and this one may have some staying power. There are some signs that this next batch of cool air will bring afternoon highs in the lower 60s, overnight lows in the 40s and a better chance for some showers along with that cooler breeze.

So, if you can’t wait for more fall-like weather, next week may make you a little more excited.