First Alert Weather In-Depth: Losing more daylight each day

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Thursday is August 1, and we’re beginning to head towards the end of summer. The end of summer also comes the loss of daylight.
From now until the Winter Solstice in December, we will continue to lose daylight — which means our sunrise will be later and our sunset will be earlier. In fact, August 2 will be our last 8:30 p.m. sunset of 2024.
Right now, we have just about 14.5 hours of daylight as we begin August. When we end the month we will have lost just over an hour, and be left with about 13 hours of sunlight. In fact, on Labor Day, September 2, our sunrise will be at 6:36 a.m. and our sunset at 7:40 p.m.
As the Earth continues to tilt closer and closer to the Equator, and eventually over the equator on the Fall Equinox on September 22, our sunrise will be just shy of 7 a.m. and our sunset around 7p.m. Daylight will continue to lessen and by Halloween — with the sun rising around 7:45 a.m. and our sunset just past 6 p.m.
Also, a sign of cooler days ahead as the direct sunlight on Earth switches towards the Southern Hemisphere.