Yellow Alert Weather: Snow and ice for Wednesday evening commute

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – There’s a Yellow Alert for snow and sleet for the evening commute as wet snow will arrive around 4PM.

The amounts will be manageable, but the timing will make travel tricky for a few hours heading into the evening. Plan on a slushy coating to an inch or two north and west of Rochester. Snow will change to sleet and ice for a few hours tonight and then to plain rain by midnight as temps climb to near 40 degrees on Thursday morning.

Thursday will start mild with some rain and then a cold front arrives with strong winds and falling temperatures in the afternoon. Some lake effect snow showers develop Thursday night into Friday morning with some local accumulations, mainly in Wayne County. Expect cold weather on Friday night with a few flurries for Valentine’s Day.

Looking ahead to the weekend, some stormy weather will move back in. A long-duration winter weather event is taking shape for Saturday and Sunday. Look for alerts to be issued for potential significant snow and ice, and possible rain. Questions remain on the track and strength of a couple areas of low pressure. Small shifts to the east or west will make a big difference in how much snow we end up with.

Stay tuned to News10NBC for updates on the snow tonight and the weekend storm.