Former Rochester school bus driver pleads guilty to attempting to receive child porn

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A former Rochester school bus driver has pleaded guilty to attempting to receive child pornography. Tomas Rosario, 75, faces between 5 and 20 years in prison.

Investigators said Rosario asked a 13-year-old girl to take sexually explicit photos of herself and send them to him. The investigation started after Rochester Police found that Rosario had a sexually inappropriate conversation with the girl back in March of 2022.

Federal attorneys say Rosario was driving the girl to school alone and asked her personal questions about her sexual conduct with her boyfriend. Attorneys say that, at the end of the day, Rosario picked her up and subjected her to sexual contact, which was caught on the bus’s surveillance system.

Attorneys said that, the day after Rosario asked her for the sexually explicit photos, he met the girl in a convenience store and told her not to tell anyone, which was also recorded on security cameras.

RPD and the FBI’s Child Exploitation Human Trafficking Task Force investigated the case. Rosario will be sentenced on Sept. 12.