Gas prices rise nationally but only slightly for Rochester

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — While the national average for gas rose by seven cents compared to last week, Rochester’s average rose by only one cent.
The national average hit $3.47 per gallon on Monday, according to AAA. That’s higher than Rochester’s average of $3.31 per gallon. That’s also a change from much of the winter, when Rochester’s average was higher than the national average.
AAA says gas prices typically increase around spring as gas stations switch to the more expensive summer blend of gas. Also, prices for oil, the main ingredient is gasoline in increasing.
The cheapest gas station in Rochester on Sunday was $3.09 per gallon while the most expensive was $0.80 higher, found a GasBuddy’s survey. You can find the cheapest local stations through this link to GasBuddy.
Rochester’s average is one cent higher than in Buffalo and the same as in Syracuse. Elmira has the cheapest gas out of cities in upstate New York at $3.26 per gallon. You can explore gas price trends on the website for AAA.