Genesee County man accused of having over 100 3D-printed guns or gun parts

Photo credit: New York State Police
BERGEN, N.Y. — A Bergen man is facing charges after New York State Police say they found over 100 3D-printed weapons at several locations across Genesee and Orleans counties.
Peter Celentano, 35, is accused of having ghost guns, unfinished gun frames, high-capacity ammo feeding devices, gun silencers, and body armor. In total, he’s charged with over 1,000 counts of weapons charges. You can see the list here.
A months-long investigation by State Police, the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, and other agencies led to Celentano being charged on Tuesday. In October, he was also accused of having machine gun conversion devices and lower receivers containing automatic sear pinholes.
State Police say they seized those devices as part of the investigation and he was arraigned federally. He’s been held since that arraignment and was arraigned on the more recent charges. He’s being held on $50,000 bail.