Good Question: Why are the lights out at the Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Bridge?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — If you regularly drive over the Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Bridge in downtown Rochester, you may have wondered why is the bridge in the dark.

The bridge is a landmark in the middle of the city, connecting the east and west sides of the Genesee River. At one point, you could see lights lining the two arches at night.

Daniel asks: “Why is our beautiful Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Bridge no longer lit up at night?”

Drive by at night, and you’ll see what Daniel is talking about. The bridge is in the dark without illuminated arches.

A representative from Monroe County, which maintains the bridge, said: “The bridge is part of our county highway lighting project. We are replacing the lights on the bridge with new led lights. The project should be completed later this summer.”

Some of the street lights on either side of the bridge are still on at night, so seeing the road shouldn’t be an issue. The flood lights underneath the bridge near the surface of the Genesee River are still working.

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