Good Question: Why are the lights still out on Rochester’s iconic bridge?

Good Question: Why is Rochester’s iconic bridge in the dark?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Why is downtown Rochester’s iconic bridge still in the dark? It’s a story News10NBC has been following for over a year.

Recently, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced a $5.3 million investment for the Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge for preventative maintenance. A big piece of the project includes the lights.

In May 2022, a News10NBC viewer asked why the lights were out on the “Freddie-Sue” Bridge. Monroe County said crews were adding new LED bulbs and the project would be completed in summer 2023. Recently, a viewer, Steve, asked for an update saying: “When will the Frederick Douglas-Susan B. Anthony be lit once again to adorn our beautiful nighttime skyline?”

A county representative explained that there were supply chain issues and the bridge would be illuminated by late winter or early spring of this year.

When News10NBC asked the county about another delay, a spokesperson cited “supply chain issues” once again. The county also said it has had difficulty getting electrical fixtures for the new lighting. In addition to the lights, the governor says the bridge’s main arches will be upgraded with special paint to protect against the elements and corrosion.

County Executive Adam Bello said he is “grateful to Governor Hochul for investing in our infrastructure and giving the bridge a facelift with preventive maintenance painting. Concurrently with the painting, Monroe County will be begin replacing the bridge lighting with energy efficient LED fixtures with a target completion date of late summer or early fall.”

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