Good Question: Why does the ice rink at MLK Park still look like it’s frozen?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Imagine seeing what looks like a sheet of ice in downtown Rochester after we’ve already had a handful of hot days.
Five months ago, that would have been normal but in late May, it’s bizarre to see a fountain frozen over. Is it actually ice that is covering the rink in Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park? Or is it something else?
During the winter months, the kidney-shaped fountain at MLK Park is frozen and used as an ice rink. It’s a popular stop for visitors at the Roc Holiday Village. Now, the space is still covered with a white layer, which at a quick glance looks like ice.
After several 70-degree days and Memorial Day getting closer, Mark writes: “Why is the Memorial Ice Rink still frozen at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park?”
Look a little closer and you’ll see it’s not frozen. It’s actually white paint. The city says it paints the rink white while building layers of ice for skating during the winter months. The fountains are functional and the falls will be turned on later this week.
The white paint will be removed before the rink is filled with water for the season. The fountains are right next to one of the city’s ten spray parks.
The city’s website says the spray parks will open on Friday, May 26 for the summer season. They will open from noon until 8 p.m., seven days a week.
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