Greece Police are giving out steering wheel locks for Hyundai cars

UPDATE: Greece Police ran out of steering wheel locks by Wednesday afternoon.

GREECE, N.Y. — Greece Police are giving out free steering wheel locks for Hyundai cars to prevent theft starting on Wednesday, Feb. 8.

The wheel locks are for Greece residents who own a 2010 to 2020 model Hyundai. You can stop at Greece Police headquarters at the town hall campus from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while supplies last.

Greece Police are giving out the locks amid concerns that people are stealing Kia and Hyundai cars because of how-to videos circulating on social media. In the first three weeks of January, Rochester Police reported that nearly 70% of the 169 cars reported stolen this year were either a Kia or Hyundai.

In January, News10NBC showed video of how a steering wheel lock prevented thieves from stealing a Kia car after smashing its windows.

More about car thefts: