Greece woman rallies neighbors to give students free school supplies
GREECE, N.Y. – Back to school is around the corner, and the community is making sure backpacks are full of supplies.
A Greece woman is going the extra mile to help students. She rallied up her neighborhood to fill her lawn with free school supplies.
“It’s no secret that going back to school is expensive,” Marketta Bakke said, who runs the “Dog-Eared Little Free Library”.
Bakke has had a dream of making a free library, and she made it happen, right on her front lawn.
“We bought a five dollar cabinet and turned it into a library.”
Back to school is around the corner, and the community is making sure backpacks are full of supplies. SEO analysisNeeds improvement Auto Draft Add related keyphrase Track SEO performance Cornerstone content Insights Toggle panel: Post Enhance Attributes Post Status Flag * Normal Story Byline Distributor News10NBC External URL Post Block Paragraph Start with the building block of all narrative. Color Text settings Drop cap Toggle to show a large initial letter. Typography Font size SizeDefault Advanced Skip to the selected block Open publish panel Post Paragraph
Dog-Eared Little Free Library is open, and right in time for back to school. Everything you see out on the lawn was dropped off by neighbors and, it’s all free.
“All of these items were donated, I didn’t buy a single item.”
Bakke says schools around the county do whatever possible to set kids up for a successful academic year, but, she feels it’s a little more personal and even private when its neighbors helping neighbors.
“Having a little free library, there are no qualifications, anyone can come and take and I feel like it’s a dignified way to do it, no one cares how much money you make, you can come and take whatever you want.”
Every notebook, every pencil.
“It could be the difference for a kid getting something they really want to wear to school or maybe they weren’t going to have all the supplies, and now they do.”
Bakke says she has every intention to make sure the table stays full and books are available, so that little free library, on Lakewood drive in Greece will be open year round.