‘I’m kind of nervous, but also really excited’: First day back to school for East Rochester students

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – The first day of school comes with a lot of emotion, whether it’s excitement, anxiety or even a little fear.
“I’m kind of nervous, but also really excited,” said seventh grader Carmen Boyd.
“I’m going to have so many new friends in my class,” said Malachi Ramos.
“I think this is the first time I’m not in tears, so I think that’s a plus,” said mom Elizabeth Ramos. “You know he spent the summer reading and like he said catching up with friends, so I think he’s ready and we’re really ready for him to be back.”
Teachers in East Rochester knew just how to help students, and maybe a few parents, get over those first day jitters.
“Meeting new teachers and I’m excited for the day,” Boyd said.
It’s excitement superintendent Jim Haugh said never gets old, year after year.
“Each year you have that buildup over the course of the summer,” he said. “Some kids attend summer programming, some kids are in at least class the week before school starts opening their lockers, meeting their teachers, setting up their classroom space. We’re thrilled to have the kiddos here.”
With the temperatures heating up for the first week, Haugh said they are well prepared to make sure students stay cool throughout the day.
“Our classroom spaces are air conditioned, so we do have climate control throughout our complex,” he said. “As well as we’re being mindful of proper hydration, sometimes the kiddos choose those sugary drinks, and we want to focus more on the high-quality waters and just general water at all of our filling stations.”
Haugh said students will also receive free meals this school year through a federal initiative as part of the New York state budget. The free meal program guarantees that students get two meals a day, one for breakfast and lunch.