Irondequoit Police seeing uptick in calls from Skyview Park Apartments
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Irondequoit Police say they’ve been responding to more calls at Skyview Park Apartments this year.
People living there say they’re terrified because of all the crime on that property.
News10NBC’s Patrick Moussignac talked to police and a woman living there who is calling for immediate action.
Irondequoit Police Chief Scott Peters tells News10NBC the number of calls coming from the apartment complex is a drain on the town’s resources.
“When I first came here this place was beautiful. It was quiet, we didn’t have a lot of police here,” says resident Doreen Cohen.
Skyview Park Apartments located on Arrow Drive in Irondequoit is home to people 55 and older. Residents say they don’t feel safe, and police say they are responding to more calls here.
“Yeah, in fact, we looked at this probably about three to four weeks ago. At that time I think there was, like, 422 9-1-1 calls for service there. Obviously everything from EMS and fire to regular police calls,” says Peters.
Cohen moved in a year ago and says she’s seen drug dealing, and has even been harassed and threatened by problem neighbors. She says she and her fellow residents have been complaining to property management and police.
“It makes me feel very disturbed to know that this place is allowing it to go on as long as it did,” says Cohen.
Republican Mark Assini is challenging Democrat Adam Bello for Monroe County Executive. He says the state and county need to do more to help Skyview Ridge.
“I think it’s time to call this to attention to the people who are responsible in the state and in the county,” says Assini. “Get this straightened out, and passed on. Get security here. Help these poor people — they’re frightened.”
News10NBC reached out to County Executive Bello. His campaign spokesman sent us a statement saying Monroe County isn’t involved in running the apartment complex —but if the town needs help, the county executive is available.
Meanwhile, the police chief says his department is working with the management company that owns Skyview.
“We suggested that they actually hire security guards for the location,” says Peters. “Obviously telling them, you know, just because having security guards is not gonna solve your problems, but they need to have policies in place that are allowing them to proactively take care of issues, and not just sweep it under the rug.”
New10NBC reached out to the company that owns the property, and is still waiting to hear back from them.