UPDATE: Le Roy will not merge with Cal-Mum Byron Bergen football

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UPDATE, Feb. 15: It was a possibility, but Le Roy and Cal Mum Byron Bergen football are not merging, at least for next year.

The longtime rival programs weighed the pros and cons, but ultimately Le Roy feels it has enough kids to sustain the program for now.

LE ROY, N.Y. — Le Roy High School Football is considering a possible merger with the Cal-Mum Byron Bergen team.

The District held a parent meeting on Monday night to hear about the proposed idea, which would have two long-time Section V Football rivals join forces.

By rule, 18 kids or more are needed to field a team. Le Roy is expected to have 25 players on the roster this fall so enough players suiting up doesn’t appear to be an issue. The potential benefit lies within sustaining the program overtime, according to Superintendent of Le Roy Central Schools, Merritt Holly.

“If we don’t do that, where does that leave the program down the road as everyone else has potentially found geographic partners in order to work with,” Holly said. “The last thing we want to do is be looking at down the road and say, ‘hey, we don’t have anybody to merge with when we have an opportunity that’s in front of us right now.’”

Parents received a questionnaire to determine whether or not there is a consensus in favor or against the idea. A decision is expected to be made by Feb. 13.