Man taken into custody after disturbance at Temple B’rith Kodesh

BRIGHTON, N.Y. — There was a disturbance at Temple B’rith Kodesh in Brighton during an evening Erev Rosh Hashanah service.

The executive director of the temple says a man caused alarm when he stood and started loudly rambling.

According to a message to congregants, a security officer removed the man. The directors say he didn’t resist. He was taken into custody by Brighton Police. News10NBC has reached out to police for more information about possible charges.

Brighton Police Chief David Catholdi said that security began watching the man as he entered the building.

“That’s the benefits of having a hometown police department. I mean we know a lot of the congregants, some of the people working there last night knew some of the congregants, and he just looked a little bit off, this gentleman,” Chief Catholdi said.

The temple director says Saturday services will have armed security in place and will receive extra attention from the Brighton Police Department.