Mayor Evans responds to racist graffiti found at Roc City Skatepark

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — It’s happened once again, racist graffiti was found written on the ground of the Roc City Skate Park. The latest graffiti incident happened Monday afternoon at the skate park and has since been cleaned up by the city.

News10NBC talked to the man who not only found the graffiti but also sent us pictures of the racial slur directed at African-Americans.

Other people also tell us that the skate park should be a safe haven for both young and old alike. Not a place for division.

“It hurts you know, but just to think okay we’re in 2022, and we are still are dealing with this,” said Rochester resident “Southside Unk.”

He says he was out for a walk during his lunch break Monday afternoon. As he was walking on the perimeter trail that leads up to the Roc City Skate Park he noticed the plural form of the “n-word” written on the ground, surrounded by other graffiti. “Southside Unk” says it immediately struck a nerve.

“The people that frequent that place because it is not just Black people. It’s people of all colors, all genders, all races, and I feel that, that can cause division, and cause little uneasiness, a lot of uneasiness with people of color frequenting the skate park,” said “Southside Unk.”

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans says this is not the first time something like this has happened at the skate park.

“This is not an isolated incident. This has been a very sick individual that is trying to show discord in our community. We cleaned it up immediately,” said Evans.

He says the skate park is supposed to be a welcoming place for everyone, and the “n-word” is not a way to make people feel welcomed. “Southside Unk” agrees.

“The crazy part about it is that could be a skater that goes down there, and these people are skating with this guy, probably friends with this guy, and he has these internal feelings,” said “Southside Unk.”

We asked Evans what was being done at the skate park.

“We are stepping up patrols, and security around the skate park along with surveillance to make sure that we try to identify the individuals that are doing these sick acts at the skate park,” said Evans.

The Mayor is also asking for the public’s help.

“Anyone that has information about anyone that is putting vulgar racist language at the skate park you need to call 9-1-1 immediately, or my office at 428-7045. We are not going to tolerate it here in Rochester, and we want to get it down as soon as it’s up,” said Evans.

The skate park officially opened back in November of 2020, following the completion of Phase 1. So far there have been very few incidents at the park.