Mayor Evans speaks after RFD Captain retires following accusations in lawsuit about party
Mayor Malik Evans says the city is going to hire a company to investigate the culture in the fire department. The Rochester police department is investigating whether any cops were at the party that started this whole thing.
The lawsuit of firefighter Jerrod Jones says he was compelled by his captain, Jeffrey Krywy, to go to a private party at a home on East Avenue while on duty and the lawsuit say the party mocked Juneteenth, the holiday that marks the end of slavery in the united states.
“What I had to experience a month ago, it cut me very deeply,” Jones said at his news conference Thursday.
Today the mayor said Jones’ captain elected to retire.
Brean: “What happens now? What is the next step?”
Mayor: “Well the next step is we continue to work, as we have for the last eight months, to make sure we create a culture in the fire department that something like this will not happen again.”
The lawsuit by Jones says he recognized at least one Rochester Police Department employee at the party.
Brean: “Have you learned of any other city employees whether they’re in the police department or any other department who were at that party?”
Mayor Malik Evans: “Those types of things will be ongoing. This part of the investigation is over obviously, related to a specific individual, related to the fire department, but we will continue to carry on this investigation to make sure all questions are answered.”
The lawsuit also alleges a woman was dressed up to mock county lawmaker Rachel Barnhart. She told me she’s less concerned about a personal attack, and more concerned about taxpayer-paid, public employees at this kind of party.
Rachel Barnhart, Monroe County Legislator: “Was the captain at it? Or were there other members of the police or fire department at this event?”
Brean: “The homeowner I spoke to at the house where the party happened reminded me multiple times that it was a private party at a private residence. Does that matter?”
Barnhart: “In this country, we have first amendment rights. We’re allowed to hold an offensive party. Where this crossed the line was the use of city resources, a fire truck to attend the party, forcing people to go on-duty.”
RPD says it’s still investigating if any police were at the party.
Mayor Malik Evans says the city is going to hire a company to investigate the culture in the fire department. The Rochester police department is investigating whether any cops were at the party that started this whole thing.
The party was at the home of Dr. Nicholas and Mary Nicosia. In a statement last week, they said they’re surprised and disappointed about the allegations against them and that they strongly disagree with how they are being characterized.