Movers packed possessions on June 28 then put them in storage, owner hasn’t seen them since

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PITTSFORD, N.Y. Sometimes people call us when they run out of options. That’s what happened to Alex Miller, who moved this summer from Missouri to Pittsford to take care of his mother.

The movers picked up everything he owned on June 28th and, prior to today, he hasn’t heard from them since. But, the moving company CEO picked up the phone when News10NBC called.

The only things Alex Miller has had since he moved back home from Missouri are his dogs and some clothes in a suitcase.

Brean: “So where is your stuff right now?”
Alex Miller: “No idea.”

The problems started right away and they are pitfalls you should be aware of. Miller, who says he made a last-minute decision to move, thought he hired a mover when it was actually a broker. The broker, Southern Guarantee hired a mover called Speeding Moving Company out of New Jersey. Southern Guarantee declined to talk to me, saying they only communicate with customers. Southern Guarantee emailed Miller after we contacted them saying Miller’s belongings would arrive this week.

Speeding Moving Company showed up to Miller’s home in Columbia, Missouri a day late, and Miller says, charged him extra to pack all of his items on June 28th.

Brean: “So in that truck is basically everything you own.”
Miller: “My life, yes.”

“When you say loaded, what does that mean?” I asked the man on the other end of the phone call.

He identified himself as “Mo” the CEO of Speeding Movers. He called me after I left two voicemail messages and a message on Facebook. Mo told me his company has to load Miller’s belongings on a truck this week.

“You don’t leave it on the truck?” I asked. “You put it on the truck, then the truck drives somewhere, you take it off the truck and its…”

That’s when Mo interrupted and said they put Miller’s belongings in storage. He promised to load the items and deliver them by this weekend.

“Yeah, but this should have been delivered two weeks ago,” I said.
The CEO told me it was a “complicated summer.”

Talk to Alex Miller about complicated.

“This has had a huge impact because I’ve had to go to job interviews and do all that kind of stuff and I didn’t have any of my suits. All I had was a suitcase of clothes and my two dogs,” he said.

Speeding Movers said Miller’s belongings should arrive sometime between Friday and Sunday.
In a text message, Miller said the CEO called him two hours after speaking to me. Miller says he was promised his items this weekend.