News10NBC connects with family in the middle of all the Ontario and Quebec wildfires

ONTARIO, C.A. — All the smoke we’re dealing with is coming from the wildfires in Ontario and Quebec. New10NBC connected with a family who is sandwiched in the middle of all of them.

Chris Bishop lives with his wife and three boys west of Ottawa, Ontario.

“I guess, I don’t know, a couple of hours from you guys in Rochester,” Bishop said on zoom Wednesday.

There’s a fire west of his home, about the distance of Rochester to Syracuse. And there are fires to his east in Quebec.

Brean, News10NBC: “What does the air feel like and smell like and taste like up there?”

Chris Bishop, near Ottawa, Ontario: “Yeah, well as soon as we got up this morning we could smell it in the house. It just smelled like a camp fire.”

Brean: “Do you feel like you’re in any danger of that fire getting closer to you?”

Chris Bishop: “Not in any danger where we are right now but that could change.”

The Bishops lives about 90 miles from an area under an evacuation order. The Bishop says they wake up in the morning with ash on their cars and homes and, like us today, school recess is inside and sports are cancelled.

“It’s a nice breeze right now and it’s making the air a lot more breathable and taking the smell down a little bit,” he said. “But when the wind is not there, you don’t want to be outside for very long.”